Education management & development
Pedagogy, in the traditional sense, includes a methodology of transfer that relies a great deal on representation to be effective, which is why I believe we can only use pedagogy in its most inessential way: in other words, learning needs to be enabled by direct experience, allowing for a multitude of outcomes, rather than geared towards a predefined result. Obviously this type of learning encounters many practical obstacles, yet under the right conditions it is possible to actually facilitate this type of learning within a traditional learning framework, such as a university or art school.I have worked for a long time with an interdisciplinary research agenda aimed at actualizing media-theoretical and media-philosophical thinking frameworks in concrete teaching structures within undergraduate and graduate education and PhD research. Teaching in the fields of moving image, architecture and media theory at these three levels has been part of my work along my managerial and research work. As a manager I have developed and founded several new departments at various institutions and transformed a renown academy into a better version of itself. As a result all departments where rated "Top-programme" or "Excellent" during the time I was in charge.
ArtEZ University of the Arts
AKI Academy of Art and Design
Director AKI Academy of Art and Design, ArtEZ University of the Arts (2015-2021) Overall responsibility for business operations, management of financial, security and legal boundaries, selection and management of staff, supervision of planning, curriculum development, administration, lecturing, mentoring, (inter-)national representation, initiation and maintenance of partnerships, participation in university management team.

Royal Academy of Art The Hague
Department Interactive / Media / Design (Founder)
Co-founder and head of the Interactive/Media/Design department (2007-2015) Responsible for developing and managing the department, selecting and managing staff, responsible for finances, planning, admissions, final level and safety, curriculum development, administration, teaching, publishing, monitoring, representation and collaboration.

Teaching Bachelors:
Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts
Department Art and Communication Design (Developer)
Course: Media Theory (2010-2015)
Theory course for Communication Design students with a special focus on media aesthetics and philosophy.

Royal Academy of Art The Hague
Department Interactive / Media / Design (Founder)
Course: Meta-Medial Interface Analysis (2006-2015)
Theory course for Interactive Media students with a special focus on media aesthetics and philosophy.
Course: Autonomous Laboratory for the Exploration of Progressive Heuristics (ALEPH) (2013-2015)
Researching and teaching in special laboratory for affective media design and new teaching methodologies.

ArtEZ University of the Arts
Department Moving Image (Founder)
Course: Film Theory (2015-2022)
Theory course for Moving Image students with a special focus on the affective capacities of the medium.
Department Crossmedia Design (Co-developer)
Course: Filmstudies and Mediatheory (2006-2015)
Theory course for Crossmedia students specializing in film and media aesthetics.

Delft University of Technology
Department Explore Lab:
Course: Graduation Studios (2012-2015)
Guidance of MSc graduates, teaching, evaluation, examining. With a special focus on interdisciplinary projects, cross disciplinary collaborations and exploration of heuristic research methodologies.
Department Delft School of Design:
Course: Architecture Thinking Graduation Studios (2011-2013) (Founder)
Guidance of MSc graduates, teaching, evaluation, examining. With a special focus on media philosophy, cross disciplinary projects and exploration of heuristic research methodologies.
Course: Media Matters Theory (2011-2013) (Founder)
Teaching, evaluation, examining of MSc students. With a special focus on the theoretical trans-medial pollination of cinematographic construction within architectural design.
Course: The Agency of Mapping (2007-2011) (Founder)
Teaching, evaluation, examining of MSc students. With a special focus on the underlying cross medial pollination of cinematographic construction within urban design and affective cartography.
Course: Camera Eye Theory Project (2004-2005) (Founder)
Guidance of MSc graduates, teaching, evaluation, examining. Special project for the exploration of cinematographic design instruments in architectural context.
Department of Media Studies:
Course: Film & Architecture 2 (2008-2011) (Founder)
Teaching, evaluation, examining of MSc students. With a special focus on the overlapping media typology between film and architecture. Advanced course.
Course: Film & Architecture 1 (2008-2011) (Founder)
Teaching, evaluation, examining of MSc students. With a special focus on the overlapping media typology between film and architecture.

Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre of the Arts in Society (LUCAS):
PhD dissertations (2016 - present)
Guidance of PhD candidates, partaking in the examination committee.
Faculty of Humanities, Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA):
PhD dissertations (2016 - present)
Guidance of PhD candidates, partaking in the examination committee.