
My research is connected to affect theory, which is a way of understanding domains of experience that fall outside (or refuse to fall within) the paradigm of representation. These experiences are coextensive with our mental and bodily experiences yet are not reducible to them, and, as such, do not depend on any signifying instrument. Experience is never of something, rather it is something in itself and, as such, irreducible to what we call ‘lived experience’. Affects cause auto-responses in the body and thus circumvent consciousness. Starting with the supposition that the interplay between media can best be measured on the basis of their affective capacities rather than on their ontological setting, it is my view that it is more important to focus on what media do rather than on what they are. This has brought several new insights and models that on their turn found a place in my educational practice again.

The search for the desire of the medium is a conceptual framework formulated in order to open discussion into new modes of considering human– nonhuman interactions in design processes – including the design of these very processes. Its goal is to encourage the introduction of a different paradigm, one that could encourage a better understanding of the role of art and design in society. Rather than replacing one arborescent structure with another, it might be wiser to approach these matters from a rhizomatic point of view. Alternative ways of thinking about the structure of design education can contribute to the development of new modes of dealing with the immense economic, environmental, geopolitical and anthropological problems the world faces. Anthropocentric thinking has produced most of these problems and therefore any solution should start with addressing that problem. Most publications listed below deal with specific strands that have been developed on basis of the concepts above in a variety of disciplines, although the true nature of these ideas do not comply with disciplinary thinking.


(2017) The Desire of the Medium, Arnhem (NL): ArtEZ Press.

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Chapters in books

(2025) Transversal learning through contextual and proximated imaging. Chapter in Oxford Handbook of Art Based Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Peer reviewed, publication forthcoming)

(2024) The Illusion of Objectivity: challenging conventional demarcations by Artist-Researchers. A collaboration with *Asterisk research group. In Designing Cities For All. Amsterdam: Pakhuis de Zwijger Press. (Publication forthcoming)

(2024) Differences that make a difference: Placemaking through imaging and imagination. Chapter in Tourism Interventions: Making or Breaking Places. Milton Park: Routledge Publishing. (Peer reviewed)

(2024) The Hollow Noetics of the Image by Proxy: Kaleidoscopic Waypoints in the Techno-Social mediascape. Chapter in Noetics Without A Mind. Delft: Delft University Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2024) Technicity as the Montage Production of the Mundane. Chapter in The Space of Technicity: Theorising Social, Technical and Environmental Entanglements. Delft: Delft University Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2020) Un-framing reality; Sets of intensities as smallest common denominator in film and architecture. Chapter in Making Visible: Architecture Filmmaking Volume 1, Bristol (UK): Intellect publishers. (Peer reviewed)

(2019) Iridescence of Perception; a-signification through preemptive desecration of the visual Urzustand. Chapter in What Images Do!, Aarhus (DK): Aarhus University Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2017) Unframing Urban Density; The Somaesthetic Cartography of Intensities. Chapter in Rethinking the Concept of Density, Vienna/Berlin (AU/DE): Sternberg Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2016) The Impredicative City: or What Can a Boston Square Do? Chapter in Deleuze and the City, Edinburgh (SCT): University of Edinburgh Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2016) The Asignifying Affordance of Assemblage: A Heuristic of the Energetics of the Exteriority of relation. Chapter in Legacy: The Delft School of design [2002-2013], eds. G. Bruyns and J. Schaap (pp. 162-165), Delft (NL): TU Delft.

(2016) 13th Venice Biennale of Architecture: Sensibility is Ground Zero. Chapter in Legacy: The Delft School of design [2002-2013], eds. G. Bruyns and J. Schaap, (pp.166-177). Delft (NL): TU Delft.

(2016) All the More Reason to Act, chapter in Bearers of Internationalisation (pp.77-79). Aalto (FI): Aalto University of Arts, Design and Architecture.

(2015) De e(s)thisch-politieke verantwoordelijkheid van de provocateur. Chapter in the book De Mythe van de Hedendaagsheid, Cahier book series. Brussels (B): Acco Uitgeverij (Peer reviewed).

Articles in journals

(2022) Place as Image, Image as a place. Article in Inflection Journal Nr8. Melbourne (AU): University of Melbourne Press.

(2021) The idiosyncratic affective agency of the paintings by Wendong Ren. Article for Dalian Polytechnic University.

(2017) Eight avatars of time; An affective-temporal taxonomy of the epistemology of time beyond chronology. Peer reviewed article in Parse, Gothenburg (SE): University of Gothenburg Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2015) ‘Camera Eye’: Cinematic Studio Research into Architectural Practice. Article in Architecture and Culture Vol. 3, Issue no.1 'Architecture Film', London (GB): Bloomsbury Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2014) The Bodyless Shadow; towards a Meta-medial framework. Article in Drawing-On, academic Journal. Edinburgh (SCT): University of Edinburgh Press. (Peer reviewed)

(2014) De gespecialiseerde generalist; Kunst en Design en het Osmotisch Oxymoron. Article in Cahier, volume 6. Tilburg (NL): Fontys Press (Peer reviewed).

(2014) Medium Affect Desire: Hybridising Real Virtual and the Actualised through Affective Medium Ecology. Article in Footprint peer reviewed Architectural Journal, Delft (NL): Delft University of Technology. (Peer reviewed)

(2011) Reconsidering Cinematic Mapping: Halfway Between Collected Subjectivity and Projective Mapping. Chapter in F Penz & A Lu (Eds.), Urban Cinematics; understanding urban phenomena through the moving image (pp. 239-256). University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Bristol (GB): Intellect, The Mill, United Kingdom.

Conference papers and proceedings

(2024) Try Out: Beyond Dichotomies: Crafting a Holistic Framework for Academic Activism. Holistic panel session with Bob Verheijden, Marijke Meester, Lucas Verweij and Mara Joustra. At the ELIA Biennial Conference 2024 Arts Plural, at Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, Italy. (Forthcoming)

(2024) Surging Socioception: Affirming Assurance Against An Alienating Anthropocene. At the 5th International Congress on Ambiances - Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a changing World. Hosted by Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Forthcoming)

(2024) Unveiling Urban Reminiscences: Traversing the City of Words Through a Psychogeographic Exploration of 'Invisible Cities’. A collaboration with Amy Grandvoinet, Aberystwyth University (UK) At The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place International Conference, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford organised by the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. (Forthcoming)

(2024) Natura Artis Magistra: The Endosymbiotic Development Model in The Future Art Academy. A collaboration with Bob Verheijden. In proceedings of the Cumulus Conference 2024 at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary.

(2024) Revolutionary Somaesthetics; The Older Future Of Modernism. At the Modernism Remodeled 2024 Conference at the University of Cambridge, UK. Organised by the London Arts-Based Research Centre.

(2023) Creating creativity; radical pedagogy as a narrative of transformation.A collaboration with Bob Verheijden. In proceedings Cumulus Conference 2023 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China. (Remote).

(2023) Cinematic Perception and the Image by Proxy. In proceedings AVANCA Cinema 2022 International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication, Avanca, Portugal.

(2022) Learning by making: a recursive bond between ontology and experiment. Paper presentation at the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.

(2022) City And The Cinematographic Machine in proceedings Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS). London (UK): UCL Press (peer reviewed), Urban Assemblage: The City as Architecture, Media, AI and Big Data Conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

(2022) Cinematographing Perception: Autopoiesis And Entropy Of A Mediumless Medium. In proceedings On Cinema 2022 International Conference, Film Studies research group, CEAA | Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal (peer reviewed).

(2021) Time Above Chronology: An Evolving Taxonomy of the Avatars of Time. Paper presentation at the Spatiality and Temporality" International Conference. London, UK (Online).

(2021) City and the Cinematographic Machine. Paper presentation at the Urban Assemblage: The City as Architecture, Media, AI and Big Data Conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK (online).

(2019) Cinematographic machines and critical distance in everyday life. Paper presentation at the ‘Slices of Everyday Lives’ Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

(2018) Urban Plasticity and Affective Agency; how to embrace ‘differences that make a difference’. Paper presentation at the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2018 at University of Twente, Netherlands.

(2018) Extreme as a normative agency. Paper presentation at the EXTREME; Rethinking the Limits to Community, Architecture, and Urbanism Conference, Svalbard, Norway

(2017) Design of education as education in design; de-stratifying fields and subjects. Presentation at the Kolding Design School, Denmark.

(2017) An Eye for an Ear: Agency and Desire in Asian Photography. Paper presentation at the EAAA Conference, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

(2017) In Media Res: Inessential learning: Attuning to The Desire of The Medium. Paper presentation at the 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada.

(2016) Material Agency: Attuning to The Desire of The Medium. Paper Presentation at the Phenomenology and Speculative Realism Conference, University of Malta, Msida, Malta.

(2016) Affirmative becoming of the ‘desire of the medium’: Cinema and the abstract machine. Paper presentation at the 9th international Deleuze Studies Conference, Roma Tre University, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts, Rome, Italy.

(2015) Desire of the Medium: One road leads to many Romes. Paper presentation at the 8th international Deleuze Studies Conference by ResArc: Swedish Research School in Architecture in Stockholm, Sweden.

(2014) The Impredicative City. Paper presentation at the 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

(2014) The specialized generalist; art and design and the osmotic oxymoron. Paper presentation at the Cumulus Conference in Aveiro, Portugal.

(2014) The Desire of the Medium and The Design Practice. Paper at the Design with the other 90% Conference organized by the Greenside Design Center and the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

(2013) Yen: Prosaic Propensity; A-signifying Singularity. Paper at the second National Symposium on Deleuzian Scholarship; Asignifying Semiotics: Or How to Paint Pink on Pink. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

(2011) Bridging Alterities; Mediating Media. Paper presentation at the Film and Media Conference, University of London, London, United Kingdom.

(2011) City and the Agency of Moving Image après Debord. Paper presentation at the Atmosphere Conference, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

(2010) Projective mapping; using collected subjectivity to depict future memory. Paper presentation at the MMC conference at Faculty of Architecture, University of Liverpool, UK.

(2009) Cinematic mapping reviewed; transitioning to "collected subjectivism' by transferring media typologies. In Francois Penz & Andon Lu (Eds.), Urban Cinematics (pp. 90-99), Cambridge (UK): University of Cambridge Press.

Keynotes and major lectures

(2024) Socioception and the body by proxy: Imaging an older future. Keynote at the Sensing, Intuiting, Imaging Seminar of the Speculative Urban Futures (SuRF) European Research Network, TUDelft, NL.

(2022) The Image by Proxy; hollow Noetics of the Exo-identity. Key-note and panelist at the Noetics Without a Mind Colloquium, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.

(2022) Critic and Scientific committee member of the Spatio-temporal Tales: Design Pedagogies of Digital Narrative Practices Symposium. CAVA University of Liverpool (online).

(2022) Cinematic Perception and the Image by Proxy; Autopoiesis and Entropy of a Mediumless Medium. Keynote at the PHD review Colloquium, TU Delft.

(2021) Design Space: Technicities and the Built Environment. Panelist at Design Space Conference TU Delft (online).

(2020) Paradigmatic Shifts For New Design: from Ego- to Ecologic. Keynote at the New Challenge/New Design China-Foreign University President Summit Forum, Dalian, PRC (online).

(2020) The Chernobyl Fox & the Surroundings Lab. Keynote at the SurroundingsLab symposium, University of Liverpool in London, UK.

(2019) The Cinematographic Machine and the actualization of time. Keynote at the Architecture Film & Process Empowerment Surroundings lab. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Malmö/Alnarp, Sweden.

(2019) Ecologies of Performance, Understanding Assemblages and Intensive Thinking: the destination of performance as an in-between space of visitor and community interaction. Keynote/Masterclass at Teatro della Pergola, Florence, Italy.

(2019) The Affordance of Aesthetics, Non-Chronologic time and the Saturation of Information. Keynote at the Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, PRC.

(2017) The Affordance of Aesthetics and Non-anthropocentric Desire. Keynote at the Nordland Kunst- og Filmhøgskole, Kabelvag, Norway.

(2017) Non-Anthropocentric Desire and the Affordance of Aesthetics. Keynote at the Critical Design Seminar at the Vilnius Academy of Art, Lithuania.

(2017) The Affordance of Aesthetics. Keynote at the Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming, PRC.

(2016) Material Agency and Aesthetic Encounter; Or How A Shadow Can Clear Your Desk and A Drop of Light Can Wreck Your Car. Keynote at the Theory Seminar. Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen, Denmark.

(2015) Producing a ‘vital collapse’ as the genesis of meta-medial design. Keynote at the Connecting Narratives: Film as research symposium at Oxford Brookes University, UK.

(2015) Cinematographic Cartography; towards asignifying heuristics in architectural research. Keynote at the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark.

(2014) Meta-media and non-anthropocentric desire; what does the medium want? Lecture at the What Images Do! conference Royal Academy of Art, Copenhagen, Denmark.

(2013) Es muss einfach raus; media and non-anthropocentric desire. Lecture at the What Images Do! symposium at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany.

(2013) Socio-architectural conditions, a-signifying signs and non-anthropocentric desire. Keynote at the ‘Plenitude and Emptiness’ Architectural Research by Design Symposium, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

(2013) Mise en Abyme; Dispositions of Permeation in Intrinsic Relationality to the A-signifying sign. Lecture at the “Iconic Difference” Symposium at NCCR Eikones. Basel, Switzerland.

(2012) In Media Res. Keynote at the Urban Theory seminar at University of Nanjing. Nanjing, Peoples Republic of China.

(2010) Guy Debord and the agency of moving image. Keynote at the Theory Seminar at the Dessau Institute of Architecture, Dessau, Germany.